I was involved in the Ban the Bomb movement when I was 17. Since then, there’s been Vietnam, Women's Liberation, Radical Education, Close Pine Gap, Close Nurrungar, support for Indigenous causes, now Extinction Rebellion and the Greens as well as other issues along the way.
Poster: Carol Ambrus
Women's Liberation
Biff was a founding member of the Canberra Women's
Liberation group. https://politicsir.cass.anu.edu.au/images/gallery/womens-liberation-wels-predecessor
Her contribution to the cause was recently captured in the ground-breaking documentary, Brazen Hussies
Biff was one of the speakers at the 2021 March4Justice at Parliament House.
The Canberra march was one of more than
20 around the country that attracted over 110,000 people.

Extinction Rebellion
In 2018, I joined Extinction Rebellion (XR) because it seems to me that nothing is more important right now than the survival of the earth’s biodiversity and our communities. The situation Is so dire that, for me, XR was the only group looking sufficiently alarmed. With XR I have provided some training in Non-Violent Civil Disobedience and I’ve knitted and distributed around 150
beanies with the XR logo.